I offer a range of services to meet your needs, time, location and budget best.
Not sure what you are in need of? Book a free 'Discovery Call' and let's uncover what feels best for you right now.
Hormone Heaven (Guernsey only 🇬🇬)
An hour and a half of 'hands-on' therapy time totally dedicated to you.
100% risk free - 30 day money back guarantee. If you don't enjoy your therapy time with me, I refund you within 30 days of your treatment.
Here's what you get:
E-mail pre-therapy onboarding videos visually share where to park, what to wear, all the details that I know can help you feel safe and re-assured before your time with me.
Private clinically blended oils.
A highly trained and insured therapist...with real lived hormonal experience!
Safe, warm and gentle enviroment.
Aromatic chakra oil to take home.
Ceremonial grade cacao buttons or chakra tea to enjoy at home.
A monthly red hormone guidebook to track your energy and symptom improvements throughout the next month. (suitable for ALL women aged 18+)
Total value: £157
Today Just £111
"I feel so nurtured and cared for!" - Helen M
"I've never had a treatment where such time and thought was taken to choose the oils just that were just right for me. Thank you Elaine.
Listening Pod (Currently available UK & Channel islands only* 🌍💕)
A whole hour dedicated to hearing yourself think! Unraveling your shizzle..and taking you forwards with supported steps to success.
100% risk free - First session free. If you decide we aren't the right fit that's ok. No pressure here!
Here's what you get:
Online using GoogleMeet
Option to record if you'd like to review our session afterwards.
Option to receive full session notes, key focus areas and your individual hormone/business action plan.
Option to receive a unique aromatic plant medicine presciption via post to really ignite your souls calling! *Currently only available UK and Channel Islands.
Total value: £79
Today Just £55
"I feel so motivated and unafraid to shine!" - Jess S
"Having someone to keep me accountable keeps my creativity flowing and the vibes fresh, fun and positive for me, my hormones and my business."
HRT Monthly Membership (Available worldwide 🌍💕)
An online community dedicated to your sacred healing and commitment to rise, lift each other up and live our most authentic divine souls purpose.
100% risk free - 30 day money back guarantee, cancel anytime.
Here's what you get:
A whole library of content to dip into at the time/place that best suits you and your REAL life!
New content added each and every month.
A community away from social media for you to 'play' in anytime.
A safe, supportive and kind enviroment for you to be seen, heard and held as much or as little as you need.
Regular live monthly group sessions to keep you on the track of your goals.
Monthly workshops, fun online events and priority booking for our upcoming annual Guernsey retreats.
Total value: £179
Register your interest today (proposed all inclusive fee of just £55 per month!)
Empowering Your Path to Hormone Wellness Everyday
Location: Guernsey, C.I.
Phone: 07781 133940
Email: [email protected]